Stefano Orso

Stefano Orso, 55 years old.
I am skipper, commander with more than 70,000 miles logged in all the oceans of the world.
I am holder of RYA/MCA Yachtmaster offshore sail and power commercially endorsed, GMDSS-GOC endorsed, SRC certifcate, First aid DAN, ISAF certificate of competence, safety, emergency and survival at sea, STCW-95
Italian sail and power license, RTF certificate, experienced sailor of Lega Navale Italiana.

I'm a Sailing Instructor of Lega Navale Italiana and I worked few years as instructor on cruises for the acquisition of the nautical license and courses on Tridente 16 for kids.
I have collaborated with several sail associations as skipper instructor for sail school cruises in mediterranean sea

From March 2013 to Jun 2016 I was skipper of catamaran Lagoon 62 feet “Feel So Good” with which I did four Atlantic crossings, sailing in Mediterranean, Caribbean Sea, the east coast of Florida, Bahamas, San Blas, Panama, Pacific Passage: Galapagos, Marchesi, Tuamotu, Society Islands, Tonga, New Zealand, Australia, Strait of Torres and Indian Ocean to Seychelles islands With the same boat I did charter in the Caribbean, Mediterranean, and French Polynesia.